Visual Studio 2013 Professional Key Generator

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È possibile applicare il codice Product Key a livello di programmazione come parte dello script utilizzato per automatizzare la distribuzione di Visual Studio.You can apply your product key programmatically as part of a script that is used to automate the deployment of Visual Studio.È possibile impostare i codici Product Key su un dispositivo a livello di programmazione durante l'installazione di Visual Studio o al termine dell'installazione.You can set a product key on a device programmatically either during an installation of Visual Studio or after an installation completes.

Applicare la licenza dopo l'installazioneApply the license after installation


È possibile attivare una versione installata di Visual Studio con un codice Product Key tramite l'utilità StorePID.exe nei computer di destinazione in modalità invisibile all'utente.You can activate an installed version of Visual Studio with a product key by using the StorePID.exe utility on the target machines, in silent mode.StorePID.exe è un programma di utilità che viene installato con Visual Studio 2017 nel percorso predefinito seguente:StorePID.exe is a utility program that installs with Visual Studio 2017 at the following default location:
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2017EnterpriseCommon7IDE

È possibile attivare una versione installata di Visual Studio con un codice Product Key tramite l'utilità StorePID.exe nei computer di destinazione in modalità invisibile all'utente.You can activate an installed version of Visual Studio with a product key by using the StorePID.exe utility on the target machines, in silent mode.StorePID.exe è un programma di utilità che viene installato con Visual Studio 2019 nel percorso predefinito seguente:StorePID.exe is a utility program that installs with Visual Studio 2019 at the following default location:
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2019EnterpriseCommon7IDE

Eseguire StorePID.exe con privilegi elevati, usando un agente System Center o un prompt dei comandi con privilegi elevati.Run StorePID.exe with elevated privileges, either by using a System Center agent or an elevated command prompt.Continuare quindi con il codice Product Key (con i trattini) e il codice Microsoft Product Code (MPC).Follow it with the product key and the Microsoft Product Code (MPC).


Assicurarsi di includere i trattini nel codice Product Key.Make sure to include the dashes in the product key.

In questo esempio è riportata una riga di comando per l'applicazione della licenza di Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise, con codice MPC 08860 e codice Product Key AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDDD-EEEEEE, presupponendone l'installazione in un percorso predefinito:The following example shows a command line for applying the license for Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise, which has an MPC of 08860, a product key of AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDDD-EEEEEE, and assumes a default installation location:

In questo esempio è riportata una riga di comando per l'applicazione della licenza di Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise, con codice MPC 09260 e codice Product Key AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDDD-EEEEEE, presupponendone l'installazione nel percorso predefinito:The following example shows a command line for applying the license for Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise, which has an MPC of 09260, a product key of AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDDD-EEEEEE, and assumes a default installation location:

La tabella seguente riporta i codici MPC per ogni edizione di Visual Studio:The following table lists the MPC codes for each edition of Visual Studio:

Edizione di Visual StudioVisual Studio EditionMPCMPC
Visual Studio Enterprise 2017Visual Studio Enterprise 20170886008860
Visual Studio Professional 2017Visual Studio Professional 20170886208862
Visual Studio Test Professional 2017Visual Studio Test Professional 20170886608866
Edizione di Visual StudioVisual Studio EditionMPCMPC
Visual Studio Enterprise 2019Visual Studio Enterprise 20190926009260
Visual Studio Professional 2019Visual Studio Professional 20190926209262

Se StorePID.exe applica correttamente il codice Product Key, restituisce un %ERRORLEVEL% pari a 0.If StorePID.exe successfully applies the product key, it returns an %ERRORLEVEL% of 0.Se si verificano errori, verrà restituito uno dei codici seguenti, a seconda della condizione di errore:If it encounters errors, it returns one of the following codes, depending on the error condition:



Quando si esegue un'istanza virtuale di Visual Studio, assicurarsi di virtualizzare anche la cartella AppData locale e il Registro di sistema.When you run a virtual instance of Visual Studio, make sure that you also virtualize the local AppData folder and the registry.Per risolvere i C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio<version>Common7IDEDDConfigCA.exeproblemi relativi alle istanze virtuali, eseguire .To troubleshoot virtual instances, run C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio<version>Common7IDEDDConfigCA.exe.

SupportoGet support

Non sempre tutto funziona correttamente.Sometimes, things can go wrong.Se l'installazione di Visual Studio non riesce, vedere Risolvere i problemi di installazione e aggiornamento di Visual Studio per istruzioni dettagliate.If your Visual Studio installation fails, see Troubleshoot Visual Studio installation and upgrade issues for step-by-step guidance.

Per i problemi correlati all'installazione è disponibile anche un'opzione di supporto che offre una chat per l'installazione (solo in lingua inglese).We also offer an installation chat (English only) support option for installation-related issues.

Ecco alcune altre opzioni di supporto:Here are a few more support options:

  • Segnalare i problemi del prodotto a Microsoft tramite lo strumento Segnala un problema che viene visualizzato sia nel programma di installazione di Visual Studio che nell'IDE di Visual Studio.Report product issues to us via the Report a Problem tool that appears both in the Visual Studio Installer and in the Visual Studio IDE.
  • Suggerire una funzionalità, tenere traccia dei problemi del prodotto e trovare risposte in Visual Studio Developer Community.Suggest a feature, track product issues, and find answers in the Visual Studio Developer Community.
  • Usare l'account GitHub per comunicare con gli sviluppatori Microsoft e altri sviluppatori di Visual Studio partecipando alla conversazione dedicata a Visual Studio nella community di Gitter.Use your GitHub account to talk to us and other Visual Studio developers in the Visual Studio conversation in the Gitter community.

Vedere ancheSee also


This article explains how to locate, claim, and export product keys from For more information about activating a product with a key, retail and volume license versions of keys, and daily product key claim limits, please visit the product keys overview.

Locating and claiming product keys

You must be signed in to your Visual Studio subscription to view your product keys. Individual product keys are found by selecting the blue Get Key link for a particular product on the Downloads page as shown below. All keys are also available in aggregate on the Product Keys page. When multiple keys exist for a single product, notes will be displayed on the Notes column for the download to assist you in identifying which key should be used.

Some products bundle multiple editions of the product into a single download. In these cases, the product key entered determines which edition of the product is installed.Some keys are provided automatically, such as “static” keys, which you can use as many times as needed because activation is not required. Other keys must be claimed by selecting the Get Key link for the product.

A variety of key types are available, depending on the product.

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Product key types

Key TypeDescription
Not ApplicableNo key is needed to install this product.
RetailRetail keys allow multiple activations and are used for retail builds of the product. In many cases, 10 activations are allowed per key, though often more are allowed on the same machine.
Multiple ActivationA Multiple Activation Key (MAK) enables you to activate multiple installations of a product with the same key. MAKs are generally used with Volume Licensing versions of products. Typically, only one MAK key is provided per subscription.
Static Activation KeyStatic activation keys are provided for products that do not require activation. They can be used for any number of installations.
Custom KeyCustom keys provide special actions or information to activate or install the product.
VA 1.0These are multiple activation keys, similar to a MAK.
OEM KeyThese are Original Equipment Manufacturer keys that allow multiple activations.
DreamSpark Retail KeyThese retail keys are for DreamSpark and allow one activation. DreamSpark Retail keys are issued in batches and are primarily intended for student consumption.
DreamSpark Lab KeyThese lab use keys are for DreamSpark programs and allow multiple activations. DreamSpark Lab Keys are intended for use in university computer lab scenarios.
DreamSpark MAK KeyThese are MAK keys for DreamSpark program customers.

Visual Studio 2013 Activation Key

You can claim a key from the download page for the product, or you can search for the key you need on the Product Keys page.

Claiming product keys

Only subscribers with active subscriptions can download products and claim product keys. You can export your claimed keys from the Product Keys page while your subscription is active.

To claim a product key:

  1. Sign in to your Visual Studio subscription. You must be signed in to download products or claim product keys.
  2. Click on the Product Keys tab.
  3. Product keys are listed alphabetically by the name of the product. You can either scroll down to the name of the desired product, or search for it using the search bar at the top of the page.

In this example, we’ve used the search bar to locate a product key for Visual Studio Enterprise 2019.As you can see, there are several versions listed. One key each has already been claimed for Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 versions 16.0 and 16.1. Additional keys of different types are still available for both versions. Notice that you can record a brief note about claimed keys in the Notes column. You can use this in conjunction with the date in the Claimed column to keep track of the keys you’ve claimed. You might, for example, make notes when you activate an installation of the product using the key.

Exporting your claimed keys

You can export a list of all the keys you have claimed, along with a large selection of static and other keys that are automatically marked as “claimed” for you.


Visual Studio 2012 Product Keys

If your subscription expires, you will no longer be able to claim new keys or export your claimed keys.

To export your keys, simply click on the Export all keys link at the far right of the Product Keys page. An .xml file entitled KeysExport.xml will be created, and you’ll have the option to open or save the file. You will need to open the file with an application capable of handling .xml files. For example, you can open the file as a read-only workbook in Excel.

See also

Visual Studio 2015 License Key

Next steps

Visual Studio 2013 Professional Key Generator For Sale

When you're ready to download software and use keys, visit For more information about downloading software, please see the downloading overview.