Ipsec Pre Shared Key Generator

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  1. Ipsec Pre Shared Key Generator Plans
  2. Generate Ipsec Pre Shared Key

For pre-shared keys: SKEYID = prf(pre-shared-key, Nib Nrb) SKEYID is the Seed value that will later be used to generate additional secret keys. The Pre-Shared-Key and both Nonce values (Nib is the Initiator's Nonce, and NrB is the Responder's Nonce) is combined by using a PRF, or Psuedo Random Function. How to generate secure pre-shared keys (PSK) for an IPSec VPN I build VPNs regularly, and one of the problems that comes up regularly is how to exchange PSK's. Some people are happy to exchange them over email, and others not (particularly because of ISO/IEC 27002). Apr 03, 2020 A pre-shared key (also called a shared secret or PSK) is used to authenticate the Cloud VPN tunnel to your peer VPN gateway. As a security best practice, it's recommended that you generate a strong 32-character shared secret. Generated for you. IPsec VPNs part four: How to generate and exchange pre-shared keys. Below is a pre-shared key configuration example between two routers. The local router sends it hostname, and the remote.


Cisco IOS® Software Release 12.3(2)T code introduces the functionality that allows the router to encrypt the ISAKMP pre-shared key in secure type 6 format in nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM). The pre-shared key to be encrypted can be configured either as standard, under an ISAKMP key ring, in aggressive mode, or as the group password under an EzVPN server or client setup. This sample configuration details how to set up encryption of both existing and new pre-shared keys.

SU Podium V2 Plus employs advanced rendering technology but sticks to it's original intention: To make photo-realistic rendering for SketchUp an easy and rewarding task. The user interface is simply and does not require advanced knowledge of rendering techniques. Su podium v2 license key generator. Multi-Threading: SU Podium uses multi-threading of your CPU so much of the rendering process will use all your processors (Dual/ Quad/ Eight). Although the user does not have to be aware of what technology is being used, it's important to note that you can obtain high quality images with realistic reflection and lighting, quickly. Raytracing and Global Illumination: SU Podium uses a photon mapping algorithm that provides accurate raytracing and global illumination that yields beautiful, photo-realistic images.




There are no specific requirements for this document.

Ipsec Pre Shared Key Generator Plans

Components Used

The information in this document is based on this software version:

  • Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3(2)T

The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.


Refer to the Cisco Technical Tips Conventions for more information on document conventions.


This section presents you with the information you can use to configure the features this document describes.

Note: Use the Command Lookup Tool (registered customers only) to obtain more information on the commands used in this section.

These two new commands are introduced in order to enable pre-shared key encryption:

  • key config-key password-encryption [master key]

  • password encryption aes

The [master key] is the password/key used to encrypt all other keys in the router configuration with the use of an Advance Encryption Standard (AES) symmetric cipher. The master key is not stored in the router configuration and cannot be seen or obtained in any way while connected to the router.

Once configured, the master key is used to encrypt any existing or new keys in the router configuration. If the [master key] is not specified on the command line, the router prompts the user to enter the key and to re-enter it for verification. If a key already exists, the user is prompted to enter the old key first. Keys are not encrypted until you issue the password encryption aes command.

The master key can be changed (although this should not be necessary unless the key has become compromised in some way) by issuing the key config-key.. command again with the new [master-key]. Any existing encrypted keys in the router configuration are re-encrypted with the new key.

You can delete the master key when you issue the no key config-key... Windows iis generate private key west. However, this renders all currently configured keys in the router configuration useless (a warning message displays that details this and confirms the master key deletion). Since the master key no longer exists, the type 6 passwords cannot be unencrypted and used by the router.

Note: For security reasons, neither the removal of the master key, nor the removal of the password encryption aes command unencrypts the passwords in the router configuration. Once passwords are encrypted, they are not unencrypted. Existing encrypted keys in the configuration are still able to be unencrypted provided the master key is not removed.

Additionally, in order to see debug-type messages of password encryption functions, use the password logging command in configuration mode.


This document uses these configurations on the router:

Ipsec Pre Shared Key Generator

Generate Ipsec Pre Shared Key

Encrypt the Existing Pre-shared Key
Add a New Master Key Interactively
Modify the Existing Master Key Interactively
Delete the Master Key


There is currently no verification procedure available for this configuration.


There is currently no specific troubleshooting information available for this configuration.

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