Hibernate Generated Key And Foreign Key As Primary Key

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In the relational databases, a foreign key is a field or a column that is used to establish a link between two tables.

  1. Hibernate Generated Key And Foreign Key As Primary Key Examples
  2. Hibernate Generated Key And Foreign Key As Primary Keys
  3. Hibernate Generated Key And Foreign Key As Primary Key Of Life
  4. Primary Key

In simple words you can say that, a foreign key in one table used to point primary key in another table.

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Hibernate foreign key is primary key. So as you can see there is one REQUEST to one INVALIDREQUESTDETAILS. For some reason which I do not understand, I have heard that Hibernate maps this as a many-to-one relationship. Create table customers ( id BIGINT not null generated by default as identity, name VARCHAR(255), primary key (id) ) create table orders ( id BIGINT not null generated by default as identity, customerid BIGINT, date TIMESTAMP, primary key (id) ) create table lineitems ( linenumber INTEGER not null, orderid BIGINT not null, productid BIGINT.

Let us take an example to explain it:

Here are two tables first one is students table and second is orders table.

Here orders are given by students.

First table:


Second table:

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Here you see that 'S_Id' column in the 'Orders' table points to the 'S_Id' column in 'Students' table.

  • The 'S_Id' column in the 'Students' table is the PRIMARY KEY in the 'Students' table.
  • The 'S_Id' column in the 'Orders' table is a FOREIGN KEY in the 'Orders' table.

The foreign key constraint is generally prevents action that destroy links between tables.

It also prevents invalid data to enter in foreign key column.


(Defining a foreign key constraint on single column)

To create a foreign key on the 'S_Id' column when the 'Orders' table is created:


SQL Server /Oracle / MS Access:


If the Order table is already created and you want to create a FOREIGN KEY constraint on the 'S_Id' column, you should write the following syntax:

Defining a foreign key constraint on single column:

MySQL / SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:


If you want to drop a FOREIGN KEY constraint, use the following syntax:


Hibernate Generated Key And Foreign Key As Primary Key

SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:

Hibernate Generated Key And Foreign Key As Primary Key Examples

Difference between primary key and foreign key in SQL:

These are some important difference between primary key and foreign key in SQL-

Hibernate Generated Key And Foreign Key As Primary Keys

Primary key cannot be null on the other hand foreign key can be null.

Primary key is always unique while foreign key can be duplicated.

Primary key uniquely identify a record in a table while foreign key is a field in a table that is primary key in another table.

There is only one primary key in the table on the other hand we can have more than one foreign key in the table.

Hibernate Generated Key And Foreign Key As Primary Key Of Life

By default primary key adds a clustered index on the other hand foreign key does not automatically create an index, clustered or non-clustered. You must manually create an index for foreign key.

Primary Key